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1500 Hours


Barbering Course Description

| Barbering Course- SOC 39-5011 |

Milady's Standard Barbering Textbook       ISBN 9781305100558 $132.95

Milady's Standard Barbering Workbook           ISBN 9781305100664 $ 62.95

Website to research this occupation is

Total Hours:     1500

Tuition (including Application Fee, Registration Fee and Material Fee)    $14,500.00


Day Course

10 months+ 16 days


Course Description

Students learn basic barbering skills as set by the Mississippi Board of Barber Examiners. Students train to become a licensed barber including haircutting, coloring and styling as well as manicuring, facials and shaving. In addition, students learn retail product sales, salon development and practice those skills in a model salon/lab setting.

Total cost includes a registration fee of $150.00, kit and materials of $1600.00. If additional instruction is required after the contracted course length period, it may be provided at a cost of $15.00 per hour. Cash pay students are required to pay a minimum $1800.00 down payment. All students are required to make a monthly payment.   Student monthly payments are determined by the Financial Aid Director after receipt of and consideration of approximate amount of financial assistance that could possibly be received from grants/scholarships, etc. and total determined and applied to the estimated cost of attendance.

Requirements for Enrollment

Chris' Beauty College will admit as regular students, high school graduates and holders of high school graduation equivalency certificates approved by the Mississippi Board of Barber Examiners. Chris' Beauty College does not accept ability-to-benefit students.   A non-refundable application fee of $35.00 is required upon enrollment.

Graduation Requirements

Students must successfully complete 1500 clock hours. Of those hours, 170 are to be theory hours and 1330 are to be practical hours. Students must also maintain a grade average of 85% and successfully complete with a grade average of 85% any written or practical examinations.

Tuition, books, materials and any additional instructional charges owed Chris' Beauty College by the student must be paid in full, or arrangements for payment made with the Director, in order to take any written or practical final examination. Upon graduation, a certificate is awarded certifying that the student has completed the course of study and training in Barbering from Chris' Beauty College.

Mississippi State License Requirements

The following is required by the State of Mississippi:

  • Attained a high school diploma or its approved equivalency.

  • Successfully completed 1500 hours of training in an accredited Barbering college.

  • Students who fail to pass the state license exam may receive additional instruction free from

Chris' Beauty College for the first year after graduation.

Employment Statistics

Please see 2019 National Median Income and National Trends for barbering located on Page 42. You can access this information on by inputting SOC 39-5011.

Barbering Curriculum

Theory Instruction:                               170 Hours

Practical:                                                1330 Hours

TOTAL REQUIREMENTS:                   1500 Hours


THEORY                                                                                            HOURS

History fundamentals of barbering........................................................................5

Elementary chemistry relating to sterilization....................................................25

(Sanitation, Bacteriology, and Hygiene)

Barber implements, shaving beard, haircutting, and styling .........................5

Male hairpiece sales and service.......................................................................5

Hair coloring-tinting, bleaching, straightening......................................................5

Hair structure and chemicals...................................................................................75

Theory of massage and facial treatment...............................................................5

Disorders of the skin, scalp, and hair....................................................................10

Barber laws, rules, and regulations........................................................................5

Business management and salesmanship..........................................................10

General review.........................................................................................................20

Total Theory Hours.......................................................................................170




Practical                                                                                              Hours

Hair cutting, tapered and long (male and female) .............................................800

Shaving beard and mustaches...............................................................................10

Hair coloring...............................................................................................................50

Scalp and hair treatment, shampoo, etc..............................................................20

Facial treatments.......................................................................................................5

Permanent waxing, razor cutting and styling.....................................................120

Hairpieces-fitting (sales and services)..................................................................10


Total Practical Hours.......................................................................................1330

Total Requirement..........................................................................................l5OO


A total of 170 hours in theory and 1330 hours of practical work are required, for a grand total of 1500 clock hours.   Methods to be used for instruction include lecture, demonstration, and overhead projection of materials, CO-ROMs, PowerPoint, videos and activities that require student participation, discussion and review.


Grading Policy


Theory Work Grading Scale




Below 75..........Failing


Practical and Laboratory Work Grading Scale




Below 75..........Failing



Chris' Beauty College does not offer courses on a pass/fail basis.


Barbering Course - Program Objectives

Students completing this program should:

  • Have knowledge of Mississippi State Laws concerning barbering.

  • Develop the skills necessary for haircutting, shaping, and coloring.

  • Know how to care for the scalp as well as the hair. Be aware of the hair and scalp structure and how to care for any disorders.

  • Have the skill to perform a professional manicure.

  • Have the skill to perform a professional shave.

  • Be aware of all sanitary procedures and strictly abide by them.

  • Be able to perform chemical solutions and coloring used on the hair.

  • Perform professional permanent waving techniques and applied chemistry.

  • Know the importance of projecting a professional image.

  • Have a working knowledge of salesmanship techniques.

  • Obtain sufficient knowledge to perform as a professional in the Barbering field.


Examples of Occupations

  • Barber in a Barber Shop or Salon

  • Shop Owner

  • Hair and Scalp Specialist

  • Platform Artist

  • Manufacturer's Rep



1265 Pass Road

Gulfport, MS 39501


Tues, Wed, Fri, & Sat:

8am - 4:30pm







Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology
PO Box 55689
Jackson, A4S 39296-5689

Mississippi Board of Barber Examiners
510 George Street Suite 240
Jackson, MS 39202


National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences

3015 Colvin Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

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